
“I love that it is so relaxed bringing the little ones!”

~Beth, 34 – mum to Rory (6 months)

I really look forward to my Monday Pilates session (at Tribe Porty) – it has really helped me regain a lot of the core strength I lost during pregnancy and improve my posture. I wish I could do it more than once a week! Sabrina is an excellent teacher, she explains the positions clearly and patiently and how to breath – which is the bit I always forget! She also gives you a baby version each time – useful of your little one is playing up! Before starting the class I was worried whether I would actually feel like I was doing exercise – I am more of a runner than gentle stretcher, however I have been completely proven wrong – I feel my muscles really working hard and it really makes you feel good on a Monday morning! Finally, I love that it is so relaxed bringing the little ones! Rory loves rolling around and looking at the other babies and I love I can just leave him to it for an hour!