
“I really do feel the pilates class has been great start back into getting my pre-pregnancy body back…”

~A.A. Mum to Alex (7 months old)

I started coming to mother and baby Pilates when my son was almost 10 weeks old. It was a bit of a nightmare at the start to make it out the house and to the class for 11 o’clock but we soon got used to it. I had kept pretty active throughout my pregnancy but Pilates was the first thing i’d done since giving birth. It was great to get moving and feel like my body was my own again.

I’d done antenatal Pilates with another instructor. This class was quite tame so I was worried that Sabrina’s class would be the same and a bit of a waste of time. I was pleasantly surprised as even from the first week we were challenged to work our core and pelvic floor. I really felt like i’d had a work out by the end of the class.

Throughout the 6 week block of classes we’ve done a variety of different exercises each week. Although most weeks we do have to do the dreaded plank which really challenges our core, we have used a variety of equipment including balls and bands. I think the difference with this class than other mother and baby classes is that Sabrina is so helpful with the babies. It’s obvious she really enjoys having them there and does not find them to be an inconvenience. On many occasions she can be seen with 2 or 3 babies on her mat calming them down while their mums get to carry on with the class. I think all the mums really appreciate this as it takes some of the stress away when your baby is unsettled.

I really do feel the Pilates class has been a great start back into getting my pre-pregnancy body / fitness back. It gave me the confidence to start back with my fitness classes and running. I also think the social side of the class has been very important to me being a first time mum. It’s just nice to know that there are other mums who are going through the same things as you. I would definitely recommend Sabrina’s classes to other mums, and even if you don’t feel like doing a whole load of different classes with your baby, I would say you should definitely give this Pilates class a go, not just enjoyable for mums but I think the babies have fun to!